Comprehensive Internal Preventive Examination

A person should undergo a preventive medical examination at least once a year. This way, there is high possibility of uncovering underlying diseases or risk factors at the onset. The examination also helps reveal early stages of cancer.

This checkup consists of a comprehensive medical examination by a doctor, a complete laboratory check-up, evaluation of risks affecting your health and proposal for minimising these affects, early commencement of treatment in the case of uncovered disease and proposal of further precautions to be taken.

The course of preventive medical examination

preventive exam

All examinations (blood samples, ECG, physical exam) take place in a single day at the office and last approximately 60 – 90 minutes.

We receive the results of laboratory tests the next day and we then invite the client for an interview with the physician to assess the results.

This physician informs the client of their results, provides them with a medical report, eventually proposes further treatment or therapeutic measures and may offer other consultations aswell regarding change in lifestyle or may reccomend further examinations to be done, if needed.

Content of preventive medical examination

1) History – detailed information about current and previous state of health, illness and disease suffered in both childhood and adulthood, all injuries and undergone surgery, determination of risk factors, lifestyle, family history of monitored diseases (cancer, high blood pressure, heart disease, etc.)

2) Checking vaccinations – mandatory, recommended, eventual revaccination and booster shots

3) Measuring blood pressure (BP) and pulse

4) Complete physical evaluation:

  • Overall state of health – using physical methods – determining the state of internal organs-heart, arteries, lungs, liver, spleen, gastrointestinal tract, skin, locomotory system.
  • Basic oncological examination-lymph nodes, skin tumours, thyroid gland, oral cavity, etc.
  • Eyesight examination – using optotypes (to determine eventual short-sightedness and the necessity of glasses), examination of colour vision
  • General neurological examination – examination of the overall state of the nervous system, skeletal muscle innervation, reflexes
  • Determining body mass index (BMI – height/weight ratio)

5) ECG – detailed examination of the heart

6) Laboratory urine analysis – this involves examining kidney and urinary tract (urether, bladder, urethra)

7) Laboratory analysis of the blood:

ESR ( erythrocyte sedimentation rate ) – may be increased in the case of inflammation and tumours

Na, K, Cl, urea + creatinine – assessment of renal and adrenal function

Blood glucose – to rule out diabetes

Uric acid ( in the blood)- to rule out gout

Bilirubin , ALT, AST, ALP ( liver function tests)-to evaluate function of liver and biliary tract

Cholesterol, TG, HDL + LDL ( blood lipids, “ good and bad cholesterol”)-to evaluate the risk of heart and artery disease  (i.e. the risk of heart attack or stroke)

Blood count (examination of white blood cells, red blood cells and platelets)-this may uncover e.g. anaemia, increasing tendency to bleeding, as well as blood cancer, i.e. leukaemia

TSH – thyroid gland hormone – for assessment of its proper function

8) Examination of the stool for internal bleeding– ( this test detects presence of blood in stool) – this may uncover early intestinal cancer at a stage, with a high cure rate

In case of interest, this offer may be extended to include other preventive examinations

Further laboratory tests

For example:

  • hepatitis A,B,C markers ( liver inflammation)
  • tumour markers ( e.g. PSA in men, where its elevation indicates prostate hypertrophy or tumour)
  • others

Genetic examination  (   to rule out some hereditary diseases, f.i BRCA 1, BRCA 2, etc )

Chest X-ray

Especially useful for smokers to rule out early stage of lung cancer.

Further examinations

For example colonoscopy, gastroscopy, echocardiography and many others.

Physiotherapeutic examination and subsequent physiotherapy

In cases of back, neck and joint pain

Ophthalmologic exam

Detailed examination by an ophthalmologist

Mammological exam

Examination by a mammology specialist, including a mammograph + ultrasound, to rule out breast tumours

Urological exam for men

To rule out prostate hypertrophy or tumour

Or examination by any specialist

You request or are recommended